Agriculture and Agricultural Land Prices


With expertise in consultancy and planning, real estate, environmental management, rental and lease reviews, auctioning and valuation, surveyors provide advice to farmers and landowners on unlocking the value of their assets, selling livestock, diversification, change of land use and rural management.

Agriculture Land Prices

Information about agricultural land prices in the United Kingdom is important as agricultural land takes up over two thirds of the total land area at 17.2 million hectares or 71% and due to intensive farming techniques still provides around 60% of the country’s total food needs.

Agricultural output held up well during the recession in 2008 and has now increased to £25.7bn by 2013. Total income from farming for the United Kingdom is estimated to have decreased between 2013 and 2014 by 4.4% but is still £5.4bn, in real terms. In 2014 agriculture in the UK employed 476 000 people. For further statistics and information 

RICS produces pricing information in this area with our Rural Market Survey

The government gives further information for this sector. This includes numerous statistics produced by DEFRA.

Other sources